LezWatch.TV Show Scoring

Show scoring and how scores are generated explained

Show Scores

A mathematically generated score from 0-100 to identify shows that are ‘better’ for queer audiences than others.

Show Scores

One Mississippi

One Mississippi

How are Scores Generated?

Four subject areas

Four subject areas


Four subject areas

Character Survival Rate

Four subject areas

Character Scores

Four subject areas

Show Tropes

Each can earn 0 - 100 points

  • Ratings 0 - 100 points
  • Character Survival Rate 0 - 100 points
  • Character Scores 0 - 100 points
  • Show Tropes 0 - 100 points

Example with points

  • Ratings 50 points
  • Character Survival Rate 60 points
  • Character Scores 70 points
  • Show Tropes 80 points

Add up the points

  • Ratings 50 points
  • Character Survival Rate 60 points
  • Character Scores 70 points
  • Show Tropes 80 points

Total number of points: 260

Divide the total number by 4

  • Ratings 50 points
  • Character Survival Rate 60 points
  • Character Scores 70 points
  • Show Tropes 80 points

260 ÷ 4 = 65

Final Score

  • Ratings 50 points
  • Character Survival Rate 60 points
  • Character Scores 70 points
  • Show Tropes 80 points

The Final Score is 65

How Points are Earned




  • Heart Ratings
    Heart ratings
  • Worth Watching
    Worth Watching


  • Trigger Warnings
    Trigger Warnings

    Show we Love
    Show we Love

Heart Ratings

  • Heart Ratings
    Heart ratings
  • = 1 point

    • Realness 0 - 5 Points
    • Quality 0 - 5 Points
    • Screentime 0 - 5 Points

Heart Ratings

  • Heart Ratings
    Heart ratings
  • = 1 point

    • Realness 4 Points
    • Quality 4 Points
    • Screentime 5 Points

    = 13 Points

Heart Ratings

  • Heart Ratings
    Heart ratings
  • The sum of points are
    multiplied by 3.

    13 x 3 = 39

    39 Total Points

Is it Worth Watching?

  • Worth Watching
    Worth Watching
    • Yes = 10 Points
    • Meh = 5 Points
    • No = -10 Points


  • Stars
    • Gold = 20 Points
    • Silver = 10 Points
    • Bronze = 5 Points

Trigger Warnings

  • Trigger Warnings
    Trigger Warnings
    • Low -5 Points
    • Medium -10 Points
    • High -15 Points

Show We Love

  • Show we Love
    Show we Love
  • +40 Points!

Character Survival Rate

Character Survival Rate

0 - 100 points based on the percentage of living queer characters.

Person of Interest

There are 4 queer characters listed for this show; 1 is dead.

Root Shaw Amy Madeleine

75% of queer characters alive = 75 Points

Character Scores

Character Scores

What factors into the character score?

Nia Nal

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's role
  • Role:

    Are they a Regular, Recurring or Guest Character?

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's Clichés
  • Clichés:

    Do they have zero clichés?

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's Actor
  • Queer Representation:

    Is the queer character being played by an out queer actor?

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's Alive
  • Transgender Representation:

    If the character is transgender, are they being played by an out transgender actor?

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's Alive
  • Death:

    Are they alive or dead?

What factors into the character score?

  • Nia Nal's Show
  • Show Type:

    Is the show the character is on a series, webseries or movie?

Calculating the character score

Anyone But Me
Anyone But Me Characters

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Roles:

    • Number of Regular Characters x 5
    • +
      Number of Recurring Characters x 2
    • +
      Number of Guest Characters

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Roles:

    • Regular Characters: 2 x 5 = 10
    • +
      Recurring Characters: 2 x 2 = 4
    • +
      Guest Characters: 1

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Roles:

    • 10 + 4 + 1
    • = 15
    • Total Role Score: 15

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Clichés / Representation:

    • Characters with zero clichés x 5
    • +
      Characters played by out queer actors x 10
    • +
      Transgender Characters played by out transgender actors x 10
    • +
      Transgender Characters played by cis actors x -5

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Clichés / Representation:

    • Zero clichés: 0
    • +
      Queer actors: 2 x 10 = 20
    • +
      Transgender actors: NA

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Clichés / Representation:

    • 0 + 20
    • = 20
    • Cliché / Representation Score: 20

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Death:

    A show loses 3 points for every dead queer character.

Calculating the character score

  • Anyone But Me Characters
  • Death:

    No one is dead

    Death Score: 0

The character score formula

Anyone But Me Characters

Role Score + Cliché/Representation Score - Death Score


The character score formula

Anyone But Me Characters

15 + 20 - 0 = 35

Character Score: 35

The show type curve

A show's overall character score is adjusted based on the type of show it is

  • Made for TV Movies: Character Score ÷ 2
  • Mini Series: Character Score ÷ 1.5
  • Web Series: Character Score ÷ 1.25

The show type curve

Anyone But Me Characters

Web Series: Character Score ÷ 1.25

35 ÷ 1.25

Final Character Score: 28

Show Tropes

Show Tropes

What factors into the show trope score score?

First we put our tropes into categories.

Trope Categories

  • None

    Zero Tropes

  • Good

    Happy Ending,
    Everyone’s Queer

  • Maybe

    Coming Out, Big Queer Wedding

  • Ploy

    Erased Queerness, Happiness then Tragedy, Subtext Only, Queer For Ratings, Queer for Laughs

  • Bad

    Big Bad Queers, Prison, Queerbaiting, Queerbashing

  • Regular

    Everything else

Calculating the trope score


If a show has no tropes at all.

Trope Score: 80

Calculating the trope score

All other shows go through a trope score formula.

  • The Number of Good and Maybe Tropes
  • - The Number of Ploy and Bad Tropes
  • ÷ the total number of tropes (excluding regulars)
  • x 100 = Trope Score

The trope score formula

Example: A show with happy tropes

  • 2 Good and 1 Maybe = 3
  • - 0 Ploy and 0 Bad = 3
  • ÷ 3 Tropes total (excluding regulars) = 1
  • 1 x 100 = 100

Trope Score: 100

The trope score formula

Example: Big Queer Wedding but for ratings

  • 2 Good and 1 Maybe = 3
  • - 1 Ploy and 0 Bad = 2
  • ÷ 4 Tropes total (excluding regulars) = 0.5
  • 0.5 x 100 = 50

Trope Score: 50

The trope score formula

Example: A show with bad tropes

  • 2 Good and 0 Maybe = 2
  • - 2 Ploy and 2 Bad = -2
  • ÷ 6 Tropes total (excluding regulars) = -0.33
  • -0.33 x 100 = -33.3 rounded to 0

Trope Score: 0

The Bury Your Queers Penalty

If a queer character is killed,
the show loses 1/3 of its trope score.

Bonus Points!

Bonus Points

Reward shows shows with Intersectionality tags.

Each tag earns 3 points, up to 15 max.

Intersectionality bonus points

  • Vida
  • Vida

    2 tags = 6 points